Elmer Bits - Who Am I
He once wrestled an alligator, but had to call it a draw.
I drink coffee and grouch at people and program. I also write books, sometimes.
One day, a young and impressionable programmer asked me “do you have any regrets about your career?” I once tried to open a 4-terabyte logfile in Vim, and that lockup is very similar to how I felt while trying to think of how to list all my regrets. So I thought it would make sense to share all the stuff I’ve learned in my career by doing it all wrong.
I started programming when Reagan was president. Over the years, I’ve realized that this industry is on a tiny circular track, solving yesterday’s problems and forgetting the solutions of the day before. I’ve seen this industry grind up good programmers and spit out bones. I’ve seen us make the same mistakes, over and over.
Something, something, the wisdom of old-timers, buy my books.

I worked on a monitor similar to this in 1982 when we counted every byte, because a megabyte of memory was more expensive than a luxury automobile. Kids these days.